#185 What it REALLY takes to make your business fun and easy!

I've had a profound experience in the last few weeks in my business.In the beginning of my business, I was challenged. It was HARD.

And then I tapped into energetic alignment & spiritual practices and found a lot of peace, ease and flow. And my business became more or less easy, relaxed, fun for the next few years.

Sure, there were some ups and downs and hiccups along the way, but the majority of time it felt like it was almost growing ITSELF. And I guess you can say, things were so easy that I started to let GO of some of the practices and alignment that got me here in the first place...And recently things started to feel really heavy, hard, even scary. I noticed more anxiety around my business than I had in like 6 years... WHAT WAS GOING ON? I was receiving a HUGE lesson. A lesson to help me remember what it was like to START my business.

What it was like for things to be hard, scary and stressful. Because I bet for most of you, thats what business feels like.But I KNOW how to get out of that feeling. I know how to make it different for you.

I know how to shift out of that energy and back into a place of alignment, flow, ease, relaxation and joy - and I was able to do that in a matter of days. You see, it's NORMAL to go through times in your business where things feel stressful, hard, scary, discouraging...but learning how to shift out of these states quickly and easily will be what makes or breaks your business.

Learning how to shift into fun, ease and joy will make your business a life-long adventure. One you never want to walk away from or quit. One that's sustainable, fulfilling, and abundant for you.

So in this episode, I am going to share this story, what happened to cause my anxiety and fear in my business, and how I shifted OUT of it and back into flow, joy and ease. 

You're going to want to listen and take notes!Let us know what you thought of today’s episode! Was it helpful and inspiring? Let us know by tagging us on Instagram or taking 2 minutes to post a review!


Path to Freedom Coach Accelerator: Nail your niche, ideal client, create a high-ticket coaching offer, and enroll clients in just 8 weeks.

Scale with Soul the Mastermind: Take your coaching biz to the next level, refine your skills, and master aligned marketing strategies to consistently enroll clients.






#186 These Are The BIGGEST BLOCKS To Finding Clients In Your Business


#184 How to Feel Confident Charging High Ticket Prices