#156 Practical Tips To Show Up For Yourself & Coaching Business When Life Gets CRAY
Practical Tips To Show Up For Yourself & Coaching Business When Life Gets CRAY
Welcome back to another episode of the Punch Drunk Soul Podcast! The best podcast around for coaches to start and grow soul-aligned coaching businesses.Today Traci Ferguson, our Lead Success Coach at PDS, is here to chat with me all about how to stay in action and show up powerfully when life gets tough and "in the way" of your coaching business.Look, it happens to the best of us! We have big dreams, start taking action and putting ourselves out there just to have life throw us a sh*tstorm and leave us disheartened and unmotivated to continue. It gets hard to show up for your coaching business when it feels like life is too hard or stressful.But I got news for you.LIFE IS GONNA LIFE. It's gonna keep getting in the way. It will never stop! Messes are going to happen. Family is going to have needs. Jobs are going to be demanding. Emergencies will crop up. No one escapes the craziness of life!So what can we do? Well, we can either accept defeat and just let life do its thing without trying to do OUR thing.OR we can learn how to show up in a different way that enables us to keep taking action EVEN WHEN life gets challenging. We can learn how to move WITH stress, with busy schedules, and with overwhelm. We can learn how to get things done with more ease and grace THROUGH the madness.So today, Traci and I are going to share a few practical tips as well as brain hacks you can use to calm anxiety, squash stress, and leave overwhelm behind - all so you can continue taking action on your coaching business THROUGH the tough times life throws your way.STAY TUNED TO LEARN:✨Our favorite ways to show up with power and confidence even when your mind is on overdrive✨My favorite brain hacks to stop anxiety in its tracks immediately✨How to overcome pesky overwhelm so you can remain calm and in control to get things done✨How to tackle your coaching business' to-do list when you're already busy