How To Hit Your First $10K Month As A Coach
Join me and Jess Tomlinson, our lead success coach in our mastermind, Scale with Soul, as we chat all about how to hit your first $10K Month as a Coach!Before we dive into it, I just want to add that $10K is not some magic number. It's not like this means ANYTHING. Truly. But so many coaches strive to hit this "magic" number - probably because there are so many other coaches out there talking about hitting it.So first, I just want to say that it doesn't matter what your "magic" number is - whether that's $2K, $5K, $10K, or $20K.What matters is, that this number is important to YOU because it's the number that will help you reach financial freedom.Becoming financially free as a coach requires a few things - that's what we're going to discuss in this episode!How to prepare yourself to make a lot of money and a lot of impact as a coach, while doing it in the most aligned way!Stay Tuned To Learn:What it REALLY takes to hit a $10K Month as a coachThe Myth of overnight success and how it's damaging your confidenceThe #1 reason you might be struggling with sustainable and consistent growth and how to fix itThe mindset shifts to experiment with to open yourself up to more money and abundance NOW