#190 Leslie M. Thornton - Investing in Yourself, Trusting Your Intuition and Taking Big Leaps of Faith To Drive Success In Business

Join me and my friend Leslie M. Thornton as we dive into her journey being a coach, struggling in her first few years, and what it took to reach financial freedom, joy and abundance in her business!

In this episode, we get WOO y’all. I mean if you love the idea of being spirit-led and purpose driven in your coaching business…this is the episode to listen to!

You’ll get to hear about both Leslie’s and my greatest “quantum leaps” and the inner work practices we both used to create these massive shifts and up levels in our lives. We get into the importance of meditation, intuitive decision-making, and mentorship, providing our perspectives for how we’ve leveraging our businesses as catalysts for our own personal healing and growth.

You’ll also hear what it’s been like for Leslie to grow her business for over 10 years! The ups and downs, challenges, debt, learnings and everything along the way. She shares wha it took for her to finally TRUST her journey and fully dive into her coaching business with faith.

This is one of my favorite episodes so far, you do NOT want to miss it!

What You’ll Learn By Tuning In:

  1. Why aligning business with personal values helps you reach true fulfillment and success in your business

  2. How to overcome mindset challenges like imposter syndrome and scarcity that entrepreneurs face on the regularrrr

  3. The crucial role that faith and surrender play in navigating the entrepreneurial or coaching journey and the insanely transformative moments that come with it

  4. The effectiveness of hypnosis and inner work for achieving personal growth and finding success with weight loss, money, business and more

  5. How Leslie went from being a nurse to a coach, the leaps of faith she took along the way, and how she overcame massive amounts of debt to reach multiple 6-figures in her business

Let us know what you thought of today’s episode! Was it helpful? Are you going to try some of our tips? Let us know by sharing and tagging us on Instagram or taking 2 minutes to post a review!



Leslie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lesliemthornton/
Ali: https://www.instagram.com/punchdrunksoul

Leslie’s Website: https://hpwl.co/
Leslie’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hypnosis-for-permanent-weight-loss/id1507574218

"Soulfully Stand Out And Earn Your First (or Next $5K) as a New Coach" Masterclass: punchdrunksoul.com/5ksoulmasterclass

Path to Freedom: punchdrunksoul.com/pathtofreedom

Scale with Soul: punchdrunksoul.com/sws


We would LOVE to hear your takeaways from today's episode. Please leave a Star Rating or a Review at punchdrunksoul.com/review

Leslie M Thornton, Hypnosis for permanent weightloss, life coach, business coach, coaching business
Leslie M Thornton, Hypnosis for permanent weightloss, life coach, business coach, coaching business

Listen On…


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